Time for another SHREDITORIAL!! This one is about high fructose corn syrup. We’re not totally convinced it’s all that bad for you. At least, we like to tell ourselves that because we are downing sodas on the reg. Shreditorial #3 Dare Gawd, You know what is totally awesome? High fructose corn syrup. Why is that…
I guess we’re gonna try and go weekly with this one. Here’s a new Shreditorial from our buddy, Daniel, about the Internets and Gods and deaths. Shreditorial #2 Exclusive Gods Online: So, with all this access to information, we have a lot more problems than establishing a metaphysical class system based on access to information!…
This is the first post in a new series we’re going to be featuring here on Nashville’s Dead called THE SHREDITORIAL. It’s going to be a weekly thing? Bi-weekly? Monthly? Daily? Hourly? It’s going to happen sometimes. It’s basically the musings and mind-melts of our good buddy, and we think everyone needs to read it….