Few debut singles have come out this year that we think are as impressive as Creamers’ debut on Jolly Dream Records [also the label’s debut release] You may remember us gushing about it a while ago. We caught Creamers at SXSW this year and were totally blown away. The Austin four-piece have got their game tight and are hitting the road for what we think is their first tour. Lucky for us – it’s bringing them to Nashville this Thursday. They’ll be playing with their soon-to-be labelmates, Useless Eaters [and Cy Barkley and U-Nix] Don’t miss it!
Thursday October 13
:: Useless Eaters
:::: Creamers
:::::: Cy Barkley & The Way Outsiders
:::::::: U-Nix
@ Mt. Swag
$TBA – All Ages – 8PM
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Hey, where is Mt. Swag?
Not totally sure we’re allowed to disclose that information. It’s near the Fairgrounds. You can email us at nashvillesdead[at]gmail.com and we’ll give ya deets