Where do you begin when writing single paragraph about Robert Altman? Of course he was easily one of most independent and influential (i.e. coolest) filmmakers in history, but even throwing those designations on him feels like shortchanging the guy. In the cultural and social clusterfuck that was the 1970s, Altman captured America with a twisted beauty and witty finesse unlike any director before or since.
All of this is to say there is a month-long Altman series opening at the Belcourt this weekend, and you need to do everything in your power to see at least a few of these films. Ferchristssakes, who else got John Phillips (Brewster McCloud), Leonard Cohen (McCabe and Mrs. Miller), and Harry Nilsson (Popeye) all to do soundtracks for his films? And all the cool footage from the airport, Parthenon, and Opryland alone make Nashville worth the price of admission. Full film list and showtimes here.