The South might have given us country, blues, jazz, rock and roll, hip hop, and just about every other brand of American music, but we should never forget that it’s the Midwest who gave us PUNK. Somewhere in that flattened abyss of corn, windmills, and rust there must be a Fountain of Frustration, a crossroads unto itself where all the greats sold their soul not for the promise of technical ability, but rather just SOME form of excitement.
The most recent group in this lineage of punk royalty are THE CONEHEADS. Before we get into it, you should know that there’s next to zero information about these guys online. We know that they’re from Northwest Indiana [somewhere between Merrillville and Hammond, best we can tell], the guitar player is sixteen [so we can only assume the others are in close proximity], and they just released their debut cassette, Total Conetrol. Beyond that, your guess is as good as ours, but take one listen and you’ll see how much this shit rules. Weirdo Devo vocals, guitar that sounds like VOID through a DI box, and some truly shit-hot drums. We can’t find the cassette available for purchase anywhere, but you can download it in full here. While you’re at it, check out this live video from two days ago. Unreal.
The Coneheads – “‘Notha Thing”
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