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Just for those who aren’t already in the know, lettuce give you a crash course in The Urinals. In 1978, three UCLA students started a punk band as a joke. Joke was on them because their songs RIPPED and sounded like nothing that had come around before or since. Continuing to play until 1983, the band released only three singles, none of which received any sort of widespread acclaim. As these things tend to go, years passed, the internet was invented, and people began to realize just how sick this band was. By 1996, compilation of all known Urinals records had finally been released, but for some reason, it was only available on CD…..UNTIL NOW.

For the first time ever, Negative Capability has been released on vinyl. Thanks to the fine folks over at In the Red, you can now enjoy all 31 tracks from the comfort of your home stereo. “Dead Flowers,” “Surfin’ With The Shah,” and “Ack Ack Ack” — they’re all there, and let’s not forget “I’m a Bug” [covered by Ex-Cult on the single they did for our very own lil label]. Peep that original version below, and scoop the 2xLP from In the Red here. This shit is truly essential.

The Urinals – “I’m a Bug”

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