After being shattered by their set at Freakin’ Weekend IV, we were ready for a new record from Tim Presley’s
White Fence.
Cyclops Reap (Castle Face Records) has only been out for a few days now, but it’s safe to say that it will have a cozy spot as one of our favorites from this year (not that the
last two were much different). Tim specializes in preaching truth, and one of our favorite tracks thus far, “To The Boy I Jumped In The Hemlock Alley” rings especially true in these weird times. We recently caught wind that Tim & Co. did some
live recordings late last month, and it was just announced that those will be used for a live record also coming out on Castle Face in the near future. While you’re waiting on that though, why don’t you go ahead and pick up Cyclops Reap
here? Keep killing it, Tim. We’ll keep buying it.
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