D. Watusi – Dark Party – Promo

Since we’re getting a little closer to our big birthday on Thursday we figured we’d give you a little treat ahead of time. This is one we’ve been working on for a while now: D. Watusi’s debut album Dark Party. We’ll have 100 hand-screened copies of the new record available at the birthday show [they’ll look like that cover up there – the actual record will be released a little later with a different cover] It was recorded between late December of 2011 to February of 2012 primarily at their house here in Nashville. We released the single – “Brother & Sister” – in early July to give you a taste of what the record sounds like – but now you can stream the whole album in it’s entirety below. This is not only the first full length for D. Watusi, but also the first full length from Nashville’s Dead Records. We’ve been taking our time with it because we’re trying to make sure and get everything right. Anyway – give it a listen if you want and pick up a copy on Thursday if you can make it out to the show. Maybe tomorrow we’ll fill you in on what that special 7″ we’re releasing is…

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One response to “DARK PARTY”

  1. Cabsie says:

    If, and that’s a very hopeful IF, you have just 1 left after tomorrow’s show can I make Nashville’s Dead Records first international LP sale?

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