If there’s something you won’t hear us complaining about – it’s the amount of Sic Alps material we’ve been getting since they teamed up with Drag City. After last year’s Napa Asylum and a handful of singles [Vedley, Battery Townsley, Breadhead, and Pangaea Globe] you’d think that Mike Donovan’s got nothing better to do than sit around and make hits. And you’d probably be right. Drag City just announced yesterday the arrival of a new self-titled Sic Alps record that will see release on September 11th [so that means we’ll get new releases from them, Thee Oh Sees, Turbo Fruits, and Bare Wires on the same day… save up!] The album features stringĂ‚Â accompaniments from Ryan Francesconi – who plays with Joanna Newsom – and you can hear some of it in the new track “Glyphs”. Sic Alps also just wrapped up their European tour and you can see a nice tour vid they put together from it right down there…
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