You know, this blog started right around Davila 666’s first trip to the wonderful Nashy [Remember that show? JEFF, Turbo Fruits, Heavy Cream, and Natural Child played and it was fucking crazy] and now we’re about to welcome them back for the third or fourth time in a couple years. They’ll be hitting Springwater again tomorrow night alongside Useless Eaters [can we go ahead and claim Seth Sutton as the King? He has pretty much owned our turntables this year] The Cannomen, and Bummer. We know the guys have been out on the road for a bit already with Atlanta’s Barrerracudas — but we’re not sure if they’ll be joining them tomorrow night or not. Some people say they’re on, some people seem to think they’re not with them anymore. Looks like they WILL be with Davila tomorrow night. They just had their debut LP, Nocturnal Missions, come out on Douchemaster a little bit ago and it rips. Scoop it here. Every time we catch our Puerto Rican buddies it’s a killer time. Seems like they can travel cross-country with just a couple guitars and borrow equipment and somehow make it always sound perfect. Check out the sick flyer from Mr. Josh Shearon below and get excited for an early November get-down…
Davila 666 – Primero Muerta [mp3]
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