It’s been a while since we’ve heard anything new from King Khan. This week we got a new King Khan & BBQ Show single [courtesy of Sultan Records] and now we’re getting the brand new King Khan Experience album [courtesy of Scion/AV] The album is a mind-meld of Shrines and BBQ Show with a bit of a groovy freaky psychedelic twist thrown in. You can stream/download the whole thing right here. Not sure where you’ll be able to pick this one up since they don’t keep our fair city stocked as well as they used to — and because we’re not even sure if this is being physically released. You may recognize one song in particular on the album. A cover of Jay Reatard’s “Hammer I Miss You” closes out the album. Check it out below…
The King Khan Experience – Hammer Ich Vermisse Dich (Jay Reatard Cover) [mp3]
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