Finally getting a little taste of what’s to come from Dead Luke’s new LP, Meanwhile… In The Midwest, and it has us really really excited. We dug hard on last year’s American Haircut — but this one has Dead Luke sounding clearer than we’ve heard him before and you can check it for yourself below. Seems like DL’s been working hard in Madison and venturing to new grounds for himself [I mean, it’s still good psych-y creep-y crawl-y Dead Luke that you know and love, but you know what we’re saying] The new stuff has a total Spaceman3 vibe to it if you ask us. Which rules. Whatever – enough talk. This is maybe the worst thing we’ve ever written. Good job, Dead Luke — you made us even dumber than we were before. Grab the new LP here before they’re all gone.
Dead Luke – Paranoia Is A Flower Of The Mind [mp3]
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Yes! DeadLuke is rad!