We know what you’re thinking… “Another Cali band?” — yes. Another Cali band. Blasted Canyons just recently released their debut full length album on John Dwyer’s Castle Face Records. It’s a 13-song LP packed with more fuzz and singalongy jangly guitars than we know what to do with. If you picked up the Castle Face Groupflex booklet a bit ago – then you probably caught yourself stuck with Blasted Canyons contribution on the table for a while. We’re not sure what the band plans on doing as far as future releases our touring goes — but we hope that it involves lots of both. You can snag their S/T album right here. And they’ve got a few more copies of the Groupflex Vol. 1 over at Grimey’s right now if you’re still lacking…
Blasted Canyons – Death And A Half [mp3]
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