Los Beets! Escucha me! It’s about that time again — time for another Beets record. Their third LP, titled Let The Poison Out, comes out courtesy of Hardly Art on October 24th. Just in time for Dia de Los Muertos [Don’t worry — we’ve definitely got a good Halloween party lined up for you babies this year] This will mark The Beets’ first non-Captured Tracks LP release and it sounds like they’ve gone and recorded a bit more higher fidelity. Which rules. I mean, don’t get us wrong — we love the charm of a gnarly sounding-one mic in a big room-recording style — but it’s nice to hear a cleaner Beets with semi-understandable lyrics. They are sticking with the same style of awesome Matt Volz created album artwork. Check out a new track, “Doing As I Do”, below and get your pre-order on here [first 300 on opaque yurple.] They’ve got plans to tour in support of the new record around it’s release and we’ve got it on good authority that the boys plan on rolling through Nashy. More on that later though. Until then —- Do As I Do…
The Beets – Doing As I Do [mp3]
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