While we’re on the topic of awesome new records, let’s talk about our favorite Cali-boy Mikal Cronin – who’s solo debut LP drops today from Trouble In Mind Records. We’ve talked about it a bit before already, but this record is so deserving of multiple mentions. You can snag the record right here, or you can wait to catch Mikal and crew in person tomorrow night at the Exit/In [along with Ty Segall, Heavy Cream, and D. Watusi] and pick up your physical copy there. It’s a record that will stay on your table for a good long while and you won’t mind it a bit. That’s a guarantee. If you’re unsatisfied with your copy of Mikal’s S/T LP, we’ll gladly take it off your hands. But — on the real — what’s not to love about this record? Pop gems with saxophone and jangly guitars and flutes and — you can’t beat it. Just check out the single, “Apathy”, below if you don’t believe us. Pick it up today, see it live tomorrow.
Wednesday September 21
:: Ty Segall
:::: Mikal Cronin
:::::: Heavy Cream
:::::::: D. Watusi
@ Exit/In
$6 – 18+ – 8PM
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