Photo by Bekah Cope

If there’s one thing we’ve learned in the last couple years, it’s that The Commish is one hell of a guy. He runs Almost Ready Records [home to the World’s Lousy comps and a lot of other great stuff] and the bad boy is about to release the debut 2xLP from our favorite Liquor Store. The new record is basically two albums smashed together to make an 11 song opus of some of the gnarliest rock and roll we’ve heard in the last couple years. You can preview a track from it right here. The first half of the record is called YEAH BUDDY and the second half is titled FUCK ‘EM UP. Check out the cover after the click down there and get ready to have you balls blown. Jersey’s finest are gonna be rolling back through Nashville a little later this Summer at The Springwater on their August tour with Natural Child [talk about a tour you won’t wanna miss!] So be sure to catch them when they roll through. YEAH BUDDY should see release in the next month or so — you’ll wanna make sure you get a copy. In other Almost Ready news, the Commish just released a Cheater Slicks LP/7″ combo that totally kills. Snag it.

Liquor Store – Trash Sandwich [mp3]


1. Pumpin’ with Red Rock
2. Banned From the Block
3. Manchild In Paradise
4. Gas Station
5. Oilin’ Up My Boy
6. Commando
7. Detroit Weirdness


1. Showdown at Wookie Lake
2. Jerkin’ It
3. Bud Lite Killers
4. Proud To Be An American Man

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