Photo by Bekah Cope

So, today marks the release of the sixth studio album from Black Lips, Arabia Mountain. You’ve probably all ready heard chunks of it or seen the music videos and stuff, but we really think you oughtta snag this one [and, unlike 200 Million Thousand, you’ll actually be able to pick this one up on vinyl if you want] We’ve read a lot of interviews with the ATL bad boys and seen lots of videos of them getting asked the same old questions, but the guys also just stopped in over at the MLB headquarters to talk about America’s favorite pastime. We gotta say, Ian really knows his shit. Black Lips are touring the West Coast right now and then heading to Japan for a bit before they make their way over to Nashy on August 3rd at Exit/In with Night Beats [tickets] Snag the new record here.

The Black Lips – Spidey’s Curse [mp3]

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One response to “NOC-A-HOMA’S PROUD”

  1. 7inchatlanta says:

    “We gotta say, Ian really knows his shit.”


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