So the other day we were flipping through the most recent issue of Ugly Things and spotted an ad from our favorite Third Man Records talking about some upcoming releases they’ve got lined up. There was one in the list that really peaked our interest – Third Man will be releasing Public Nuisance material for the first time on LP in the US [a commenter pointed out that Shadoks – a German reissue label – put a Public Nuisance LP out in 2002] Public Nuisance were a Sacramento, California band in the early 60s starting out originally as The Jaguars then releasing a couple singles under Moss & The Rocks and then finally settling on the name Public Nuisance. As you probably could have guessed, it’s solid gold. It’s like a psychedelic Creation – Stooges – Who – hybrid. We know those are pretty hefty names to throw around in comparison, but trust us. Most of Public Nuisance’s material had been unreleased until Frantic Records released a 2xCD of their material in 2002. Apparently the record never came out because of fear induced by the Sharon Tate murder. We don’t know, we’re just glad that Third Man is finally giving this one the proper vinyl treatment it’s deserved for so long. No release date just yet, but we’ll keep you posted. Check out a track below…
Public Nuisance – Small Faces [mp3]
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Public Nuisance was issued on vinyl by Shadoks in 2002. 10 seconds of research and you would’ve found out.
Hey Andrew,
Sorry about that. Meant to say “first time on LP in the US.” We’ll go ahead and correct the write-up. Shadoks is a German reissue label [we’re sure you all ready know that though] and that reissue is pretty hard to come by [last one we saw went for around $80] and they only pressed 600. Third Man will do a much larger pressing and make it more readily available. We’d like to thank you for assuming that we’d be a credible and knowledgable enough source to know all the information we’d given about Public Nuisance without doing 10 seconds worth of research, though.
Everyone loves a condescending record collector dick.
HELL YES. Love that record.