Our buddies at Roach Records just gave us a little treat to tide the hesher within for a little while. They just reissued the 1980 LP from White Boy and The Average Rat Band and it’s one for everybody. White Boy hailed from Baltimore [home of all the best rats, ya know] in the late 70s and early 80s and played loud, fast, Motorhead-y at times, distorted jams that were a full-on sensory blitzkrieg. It’s something you’ll definitely want to snatch up since Roach just did a pressing limited to 400 and it’s pretty tough to find otherwise. And from Mr. White Boy — “This ALBUM goes out to all the heavy metal rats everywhere with all the hope of an affirmative acceptance.” Amen, Mike. Scoop it here.
White Boy and The Average Rat Band – Maybe I’m A Fool [mp3]
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