Photo by Bekah Cope

Just the other day we were hanging out and wondering, “Shouldn’t there be a King Tuff/Hex Dispensers split in our hands pretty soon?” And now it’s here! Weird how that happens, right? This is the first new King Tuff material to come out on wax since his debut LP, Was Dead, back in 2008. And it’s brought courtesy of the VICE/Scion crew [which means it’s free if you can find it] And even though it’s coming two years later than Was Dead, it sounds about like it could fit in perfectly. We probably saw Kyle and the boys in Austin more than just about any other band [save for maybe Davila] and we couldn’t be more stoked to be getting some fresh Tuff. We’re sure that there’s more to follow this release, so just keep your ears peeled and we’ll be sure to keep you posted. Until then, check out the new single “Hands” below and click down there to see some photos our gal Bekah Cope took of his show in Nashville at The Other Basement…

King Tuff – Hands by ScionAV

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4 responses to “CLAP YOUR HANDS”

  1. This was on the old “Mindblow” CD-R he did that had most the Was Dead tracks and a handful of other weirdo rippers, nice re-record though.

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