Photo by Emily Quirk

Old John Boy — what a guy. If you were sitting around the other night flipping channels, you maybe might’ve seen Bass Drum of Death playing live on Fuel TV. Bass Drum of Death [gonna go ahead and start calling it BDOD, I’m not typing that out everytime] has been blowing up all over the place lately. Everywhere we went in Austin during SXSW we felt like we were either hearing about BDOD or hanging out with them or watching them play. And now they’re signed to Fat Possum and have their LP coming out next week. We had some plans for him to roll through town in early May, but those fell through. Not to worry though, he’ll be back soon enough. Until then, watch him play a track off the new record and off the High School Roaches single [still available] and snag GB City on April 12th. Our buddies at Inflated Records are supposed to hook us up with a couple free copies to give away — so be on the lookout for that.

Bass Drum of Death – Get Found [mp3]

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2 responses to “BASS TEEVEE OF DEATH”

  1. radDUDEford says:

    free copies you say??

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