One of our favorite Denton bands of the last couple years is finally putting out a proper full length LP in the next couple months. Silver Shampoo, featuring members of Bad Sports, VIDEO, and Wax Museums, shell out some pretty gnarly jams. It’s like a mix between total biker jams and ’77 or ’78 punk-could-be-Wire-demos. They released their Jethro Skull EP back in 2009 with What’s Yr Rupture? but it’s looking like the new record, Higher & Higher, will see light from a new label called KRAZY PUNX [an offshoot from Hardly Art and What’s Your Rupture] We’re pretty stoked on it. If you check out the band’s myspace, you can listen to a couple tracks that will be on the record. We can’t stop listening to “…On Wheels”. Check out a track below and clicky for the artwork/tracklisting [it’s sick] And do yourself a favor and pre-order now.
Silver Shampoo – Jethro Skull [mp3]
1. Silver Shampoo
2. Ladders
3. Glitter Glut
4. Shark Week
5. …On Wheels
6. Streaks of Satan
7. Jethro Skull
8. Bucket of Bugs
9. Insect Eyes
10. My Vacation to The Swamp
11. Dogs
12. Our History
13. Two Girls (Sugar is Sweeter)
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Denton represent!