We know you’ve all been wondering for a long time if the kids are OK or if the kids are doomed or whatever, but we just wanted to let you know that they’re definitely doing OK. Actually, probably way better than OK. Fox Fun is a newer band that have been playing around town a little over the last couple months and we’re pretty stoked on them. It could be that it’s a two-piece and we all know how big of suckers we are for two-piece bands. But this two-piece, comprised of two teeny bopping 14 year-olds… 15 year-olds… whatever, are shelling out some pretty catchy riffs and putting out some pretty funny videos. The one above is for their song “Hot Coffee”. They’ll be playing Glenn Danzig’s this Saturday night alongside Cheap Time, D. Watusi, and Slammers. More on that later though… for now just watch and be stoked about the keeedz. TRICK LUH DA KEEEDZ
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