Some of our favorite San Francisco bebes, Mantles, are about to head on a little European jaunt with Nodzzz [who also have a new record coming out later this year. Remember? We talked about it the other day] They just made a new video for the track “Cascades” off their Pink Information EP that came out last year from Mexican Summer — which you can scoop here. The video has lots of our favorite things in it, and it has us so stoked for summer. Because, you know, there’s nothing more fun than scoping out bebes, rocking and rolling, and hanging by the beach in the summertime. Check out the video right down there. And click here for tour dates. Nothing going on stateside just yet, but we’re working on getting them back through Nashy since it’s been a little too long.
Cascades – The Mantles from The Mantles on Vimeo.
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