We’ve been hinting at this for a while now, but here you go. We think it’d be an understatement to say that this show’s going to be nuts. Hunx will be fresh off the release of his first proper debut LP, Too Young To Be In Love, and Shannon & The Clams should have their second record out then as well [Sleep Talk, which should be out in early April from 1-2-3-4-Go! Records] And JEFF should hopefully be riding on We Are The Champions. That’s a lot of new records from a lot of sick bands and a lot of excitement brewing up. You can check out the title track off of the new Shannon & The Clams record below, and get stoked for mid-April…
Saturday April 16
:: JEFF the Brotherhood
:::: Hunx & His Punx
:::::: Shannon & The Clams
:::::::: Heavy Cream
@ The End
$7 – 18+ – 8PM
Shannon & The Clams – Sleep Talk [mp3]
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