So in the last week or so, we’ve seen a whole slew of new singles from different Nashville bands come out. On Tuesday there were the Useless Eaters and Paperhead singles [which you can still scoop] then later there was the JEFF/Best Coast split [which you can also scoop] and just over the weekend a new PUJOL single and Diarrhea Planet’s first vinyl release became available. Our buddies over at Evil Weevil have been working hard for the last while to get these two singles together, and we couldn’t be more stoked on them. They also put out a single for Big Eyes who are playing Little Hamilton on Tuesday. This new one from Pujol features a track off of his Sex Tape cassette and a track off of “X Files…” The Diarrhea Planet single is a proper vinyl release for their Aloha! EP that came out last year. See, it only took 17 days of a new year for there to be 5 new Nashville singles [don’t forget about The Cannomen] … and there’s only more on the way.
500 pressed [400 black, 100 pink]
500 pressed [100 yellow, 400 black]
Evil Weevil is also slated to release Diarrhea Planet’s Loose Jewels albums sometime later this year. Word on the street is they’ll also be releasing some more wax on top of that. And like you even have to wonder if there will be more Pujol releases this year.
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