We first heard The Men a while back when a buddy of ours sent us a download for their debut 12″ – We Are The Men. At that point, we’d never seen them play a show or knew anything about any of the members and, to be honest, were just kind of “whatever” about it. Since then, we’ve seen them and heard a number of their cassette releases [their split cassette with Nomos is killer] and their other record, Immaculada [which you can now pick up a repress of here] We caught word today that the bad boys have finished their third LP and it’ll see release in the new year from Sacred Bones. If you’re into crude noise-y Wipers-plus-MBV-plus-hardcore slime, check them out. Here’s a couple tracks from the boys [including a Devo cover] They’re slated to do a West Coast tour shortly after we switch to the 2k11, dates below…

The Men – Bataille [mp3]

The Men – Gates of Steel (DEVO) [mp3]


1/6 Phoenix with Elders, Hatred Surge Mammoth Grinder @ Sound Control
1/7 LA
1/8 LBC with Timebombs, Francis Harold and the Holograms @ Unity Church
1/9 San Fran with Skin Like Iron
1/10 Oakland with Migraine, Hesitation Wounds, No Statik, and Needles.
1/11 Reno with Huck and registeredsexoffender at the Wonderwell
1/12 Redding, CA
1/13 Portland with Walls
1/14 Olympia
1/15 Vancouver with Mundo Muerto
1/16 Seattle with Walls and Big Crux at the M in G-town

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2 comments Comment

2 responses to “THE MEN ARE WE”

  1. JAH-SH says:

    Cannomen played with these guys in Brooklyn this past Jan. They covered The Nerves and it wasnt hanging on the telephone… shit ruled.

  2. artemis pyle says:

    hell yeah

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