Photo by Bekah Cope

Atlanta’s finest have been working hard over the last couple weeks piecing together and recording their sixth full length album in New York, and Rolling Stone has an exclusive video giving a sneak peak into the record. Word on the street is that they recorded around 30 or so songs to widdle down for the record [which is being produced by Mark Ronson and released by VICE] We feel pretty confident saying that this record is gonna kill. I mean, if Cole is saying he’s been listening to a lot more Pete Drake and judging by the couple of songs they’ve contributed to some singles clubs — we really are getting stoked for the new year [album supposed to come out in Abril] If anyone else is down — we might head to A-town this weekend [Nov. 27th] to catch them playing some of the new digs with Those Darlins at Variety Playhouse. YAYEE YAYEE. Click below to see a funny picture of Cole in the studio and to watch the video…

Black Lips – Best Napkin I Ever Had [mp3]


haha.. yep

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