We were cruising the Goner site the other day and noticed that the new Bright Idea single from Boomgates is finally available! Boomgates, from Melbourne, Australia, are one of Brendan from Eddy Current Suppression Ring’s sidebands. In the same vein as ECSR, it’s really good — but from a different angle. Brendan’s vocals countered by Steph’s female vocals create a whole new pop dynamic that we can’t get enough of. Now that we think about it, it’s sort of an outback supergroup [Brendan from ECSR, Rich from The Twerps, Steph from Dick Diver, and Shaun from probably something] It just came out on RIP Society [we’ve mentioned them a couple times on here — quickly becoming our favorite Aussie label] so be sure to scoop a copy.
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