If you checked out this week’s RUNDOWN, you mighta seen that there ain’t SHIT happening tonight [No offense if you’ve got a show going on] But we just remembered that a movie we’ve been looking forward to for a bit is finally gonna be at The Belcourt. Who Is Harry Nilsson [And Why Is Everybody Talkin’ About Him]? is a new doc movie featuring a ton of celebs just gabbing about Harry Nilsson. What an appropriate title, too. Seriously feels like everywhere we look we are reading something about Harry Nilsson or hearing him on some playlist or something [same goes for Betty White — what’s up with that?] Anyways, there are two showing tonight: first at 8PM and the second later tonight at 10:30PM. Make it out to atleast one of them, because they’re the only showings going on. And now, we leave you with one of our favorite semi-forgotten Nilsson tracks and the trailer for the movie…
Harry Nilsson – You’re Breaking My Heart [mp3]
Monday October 18
:: Who Is Harry Nilsson? And Why Is Everyone Talkin’ About Him?
@ The Belcourt
$9 – All Ages – 8PM and 10:30PM
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Cee Lo wishes he was Harry Nilsson.