Ladies, we are getting old on the internets over here. And to celebrate, we’re throwing down big time on July 27th with all your favorite bands. FOR FREE. We know what you’re thinking, “This is gonna be nuts.” Yeah, you’re right. The show’s going down at both The End and Exit/In. We’ll give you all the set-times and lineups and everything later next week, but we thought this would be a good way to leave you for the weekend. Oh yeah, forgot to mention that there will be SIX new releases available at this show. SIX. Happy Birthday to you.  Check out what’s in store….

Cy Barkley has been killing it ever since they first showed up back in October of last year, and now they’ve finally got something for you to pick up. The debut 7″ comes courtesy of Baby Don’t Records and features four totally sick jams. There hasn’t been a band like this in Nashville for a while, and we’re pretty sure that this 7″ is gonna shoot them to a-whole-nother level — so be sure to pick up on it at the show. Plus, look at that face. GET IT

The Looking Glass are in the same boat as Cy on this one. We’ve been crushing hard on them since October of last year and waiting for what feels like an eternity on their debut cassette on Infinity Cat Records. We’ve heard snippets and bits and it’s totally got our tingler tingling [You can listen to the track “Mr. Vacant” on their myspace — we’ll go ahead and warn you that you might not be able to listen to anything else for the rest of the day] If there’s one band that’s got their aesthetic and sound down to a tee, it’s these guys. We think most anyone that’s seen them can agree with that. And to anyone that hasn’t seen them, this is your chance. GET IT

Natural Child have been together now for about a year. That’s wild. Watching them live, you’d think they’d have been together since 1971. In the last year they’ve gone on multiple tours, played a million house shows, put out a killer 7″, and are about to put out another one [courtesy of Infinity Cat Records] They’re also about to head out on another tour, which means this will be your only chance to snag the White Man’s Burden 7″ from them for a little bit. Their debut 7″ is in it’s second pressing right now and you can grab it here. GET IT

The Kindergarten Circus aren’t technically a Nashville band — but we don’t really care. The wonderkids spent their winter break recording this new gem of a 7″ and they’ll be playing two shows on the 27th to celebrate [one earlier in the day at Grimey’s — also FREE] Kindergarten Circus also have an LP available if you haven’t heard/scooped it — so be sure to snag that one too. GET IT

Did you know that The Cannomen’s Black Hole EP is like the biggest hit ever in Japan. It is. It’s a pretty big hit here, too. We know the punkers have been recording stuff for their full length but they’re gonna have a brand new cassette available at the show featuring 3 new songs. We heard them for the first time the other day and it made us wanna get little Tennessee-shaped Black Flag bars tattooed and then go hit the beach. GET IT

Ok, so this one’s not technically a new release, but Diarrhea Planet and Spanish Candles have compiled a little split cassette for the show. Diarrhea Planet’s side features their debut EP – Aloha! and Spanish Candles side features what we’re assuming to be new material. And even if it’s not, what’s better than cruising around town blasting some sick pop-punk jams? GET IT

So there you go: two venues, ten gnarly bands, six sick releases, ONE KICKASS PARTY!! There might be a few other things added to the show for you…. we’ll keep you posted.

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