Photo by Bekah Cope
If you’ve been to any of Natural Child’s last couple shows since they got back from tour, you know that there’s definitely something special going on with these guys. Like most Nashville bands, they’re saving rock and roll, but they are in so much more of a Stones meets Stooges meets weed kind of way, ya know? The babes have been working hard on some new material for a 7″ to come out soon on Infinity Cat called White Man’s Burden [might be our favorite song this year] They’ve also just confirmed a boat show with Black Lips on August 2nd in New York [we’ll be there] Just thought we’d keep you posted… Oh and we’ve got a whole slew of upcoming releases that we’ll drop on you in just a bit. Gettin’ blown up!!
Oh. And if you go to the Panache Booking website [now currently booking everyone in Nashville apparently] you can read what might be the greatest band bio ever.