It’s been a bit since we mentioned our baby Beets on here and a lots happened for them in the last couple weeks. For example, that drummer in the picture used to be Jacob but now it is Melissa [if you’ve been to Don Pedro’s recently she’s probably hooked you up with lots of beers] Also, we talked to Juan a while ago and he told us that their new album is done and ready and is good and it will release your spirit animal into the woods like it was always meant to be. Or the sea or sky or something. A Captured Tracks single is expected soon. Just checky that artwork mami. They recently did a little vid-work down in Sacremento with Terroreyes —- CHECK IT BEBES

The Beets from TERROREYES.TV on Vimeo.

The Beets from TERROREYES.TV on Vimeo.

The bad boys and Scaduter will be heading out on a couple tours this summer [one with Mountain Goats — dates here] and we’re doing out best to bring them back to town. Happy but on my way.

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