Might as well, right? Mean Jeans, a spliffs ‘n riffs three piece from Portland, are the perfect band to jam right now while the sun’s out and you’re pining for a spring or summer day where you can find your girlfriend and take her on a boat and sneak some beers and shotgun hits and soak in some rays and pretend you’re a Ramone from the south or something. Then it’ll remind you about that time you got dropped off at the mall and you saw the dude with the Varukers patch and you tried to talk to him but he was kind of a dick and then you got in a fight with a couple of goths because you told them they were wearing their bandannas in the pocket that meant they were gay. Oh my god, I think we just outlined a pretty perfect teen movie and soundtracked it. Somebody fund this? We’re gonna go ahead and get the copyrights and beef-up the script. Anyways, they’re super Ramones-y and Spits-y so that means it’s pretty right-on. CHECK IT OUT!

Mean Jeans – Born On A Saturday Night [mp3]
Mean Jeans – Rats Roaches and Jeans [mp3]

They’re first two singles are sold out [one on Dirtnap, the other on Rehab Records] but they’re debut full length, Are You Serious?, is still available through Dirtnap. Scoop it!

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