Ladies, it’s been what? Like 6 days since we mentioned anything JEFF related? That doesn’t exactly meet our quota, does it? Let’s fix that. The bogus bros, who just teamed up with Screaming Females, will be back next week for a show at The End. If you weren’t there for their Jan. 22nd show, we think it is imperative that you be there this time around. It’s sure to be a rock and roll time. Especially since you’ll probably get to see this new jam that the boys worked up [it’s called “Mellow Out”]

That was at their Feb. 6th show at Bowery Ballroom in NYC. We are so stoked that people everywhere are in love with JEFF [I mean, the love we have for JEFF is different from their love, but it’s love nonetheless] In other JEFFy news, the 2nd pressing of Heavy Days is just about sold out which means a 3rd is on the way….. WITH ANOTHER DIFFERENT BACK COVER! We’re already up to 4 copies of Heavy Days right now [the opaque yellow, the black, the mixed, the first different back cover] but we’ll scoop as many as they put out.

February 17, 2010
:: JEFF the Brotherhood
:::: Screaming Females
:::::: Daniel Pujol
@ The End
$5 – 18+ – 9PM

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0 responses to “NEW JEFFAGE”

  1. tinton says:

    they also gots a new 7″ in Englandland coming out that i pre-oerdered at rough trade record shop bcuz there’s only 500 for the whole world actually I scooped up 3.

  2. Yeah tinton! We made a post about that a little while ago and didn’t mention it in this one because we wanna make sure we get our copies before everyone else! ha!

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