More Jersey rock and roll. This must be the Jersey revival or something, there are just too many good bands spilling outta there right now. Including these dudes. If you’ve been paying any attention to the haps in the last year, you’ve probably stumbled across them before. They’ve put out a bunch of releases with lots of different people [Out of Phase on Richie Records, Weird Wings 12″ on Parts Unknown, World’s Lousy with Ideas Vol. 7, and a bunch of 7″s that are real hard to find now. EBAY!] But these dudes shell out pop gems like no one’s business. I mean, their covered in a nice layer of garage-y, uptempo, tambo stylees, but they’re there. They’ve also got a couple good harsh noise tracks for all you harsh noisers! The drummer in that photo looks an awful lot like Sarim from Liquor Store/LiveFastDie/a bunch of other bands, which brings us to mention that Home Blitz are actually looking for a new drummer right now. Get at it! A little baby itty bitty birdy passing with the wind told us they might be hitting the Nash on March 24th. We’ll keep you posted.

Home Blitz – Don’t Talk To Me [mp3]
Home Blitz – Is Anybody There? [mp3]

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