First of all, none of you should be reading this post till at least 2pm, because it’s a snow day. “Big deal,” one might say, “I haven’t had an algebra quiz in years.” Well geezer, it is a big fucking deal, as I go to a non metro school and haven’t had a snow day since the fifth grade. Anyways, there’s some grrreat shows happening this weekend, and we want you to know about it.

pretend this flyer is bigger
O’Pioneers holds a special place in my heart. When I was a young child of fifteen, my good buddies from Gnarwhal took me to a new venue called the Meemaw House, where I saw Marj! [Ryan Davidson drooled on my face], and Wes’s pre-Meemaw band Cowboy Dynamite [which we agreed was a terrible name for a not terrible band]. I had to leave before Meemaw played [fuck you mom] [edit: sorry mom], but I was able to catch a couple songs from a band called O’Pioneers. Now, I really should remember what they sound like because this show happened last week, but my memory has dissolved into the mists of time, so decide for yourselves.
Today (Friday) January 8
::::::Till Plains
::::::::Bad Cop
@ The Secret Spot (919 Glendale Lane)
$?? – All Ages – 8PM
Everyone at Nashville’s Dead would like to say something before we get on with the show: this poster is the bee’s knees. It’s fucking awesome. It’s like if an 80’s hardcore kid took more than thirty seconds to make a flyer after watching too many David Lynch films. We love it so hard.
‘Enuff of that tangent. MLU is one of the most under-reported and underrated bands in Nashville right now, and any chance to see them is a blessing from Christ himself [because Jesus was totally into noise, it says so in Corinthians]. They’re bringing up some really good bands from florida right now, and anybody who enjoyed that January 2nd show [Failures, Aerosols, Salvation, etc….. pics coming soon] would enjoy this one. Nazi Dust and Slavescene will totally wreck your shit.
Saturday January 9
:: MLU
::::::Nazi Dust
@ Little Hamilton
$5 – All Ages – 9PM