We figured we’d throw out some of our favorite Christmas tunes for you babies to jingle to this season. You know, get everybody in the Holdiday spirit with some oldies/goodies/wierdies. Chickity-ch-ch-check it outtttt

The Sonics “Don’t Believe In Christmas”

First up is a number by The Sonics. It’s about as Christmas-y as you would expect Sky to be.

VCR’s “Christmas Calculator”

We’re not exactly sure what happened with this one. We think it was originally supposed to be released as a single on Rob’s House, but who knows? Christmas-y nonetheless. Plus, it reminds us of the only good Christmas skit to come out of SNL in the last couple years.

The Kinks “Father Christmas”


Bruce Springsteen’s “Santa Claus Is Comin’ to Town”

The Boss. Again, this one’s a  duhhhhhhhh. Come on, guys. You know we have to put this one on there.

Run DMC’s “Christmas In Hollis”

We used to play this really loud at non-Christmas times and really piss off our parents.

The Ramones “Merry Christmas [I Don’t Want to Fight]”

We don’t really think this is a Christmas song. It’s more just about not fighting. But any excuse to throw in a Ramones song is a good one.

GG Allin’s “Xmas Song”

This one never made it past the demo stage, and it’s probably the most non-radio friendly holiday tune ever.

Fear’s “Fuck Christmas”

What Holiday season would be complete without Fear shoving it down your throat?

The Greedies “A Merry Jingle”

OK guys, seriously, this might be the best Christmas song ever. I mean, it’s Phil Lynnot, Paul Cook, and Steve Jones together singing about Christmas. Thin Lizzy and Sex Pistols together singing about Christmas. THIN LIZZY AND SEX PISTOLS SINGING ABOUT CHRISTMAS.

Other Holiday tunes that are spinning around the tables this season:

Black Lips – Christmas in Baghdad
Chuck Berry – Run Run Rudolph
Bob Seger – Sock it to Me Santa
Hanoi Rocks – Dead By Xmas
The Weight – Three Sixteen

If you’ve got some others you think we’d enjoy… just leave it in the comments. And we’re sorry for the lack of Hanukah/Duwali/Kwanzaa/whatever songs.

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  1. Sefff says:

    How come yous guys didnt include my favorite Christmans song?

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