We can never decide whether we think it’s “whatever” when bands do the whole “We’re not going to show our faces because the music is mysterious and we are equally as mysterious and blah blah blah” thing or if we think it’s just really kind of lame. After rereading that last sentence, I can kind of tell that we think it’s pretty lame. But that doesn’t change the fact that Factums are making some pretty great tunes right now. They put out quite a few releases over the last few years with labels like Sacred Bones and Siltbreeze [If that doesn’t have you sold right there, you need to do some serious mirror-to-self time, bebe] The band is really everything you’re looking for if you’re looking for gloomy – post-Kraut synths – punk tinges, knowhatimean?? Check out some tunes below.
Factums – When [mp3]
Factums – Split Screen [mp3]
Pick up their Flowers 12″ here, and get some other goodies while you’re at it.
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