Photo by Bekah Cope
Sometimes, the last minute is the best minute. Like the last minute show that was announced the other day for Grooms to play at The Rat Trap tomorrow night. Grooms were just in town about 2 months ago to play the Heavy Days release show at Glenn Danzig’s House [which ruled] so we’re super stoked to have them come back to our city for a quick stint. If you’re not familiar with Grooms, maybe you’re more familiar with Muggabears [that’s their old name] They just had a new album come out on our good buddies Death By Audio Records called Rejoicer [Satisfying all our pre-grunge needs]Â Their myspace says the show tomorrow night is with Heavy Cream [who are in Knoxville tonight] so this could be an extra delightful party. Hit it!
:: Grooms
@ The Rat Trap
$TBA – All Ages – 7PM
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