Oh, hey, the Splinters are just a group of 4 baby-ladies that love to rock in Oakland. That’s a lie. They’re way more than just 4 lovely ladies rockin’ on the ones and twos. We just meant to say that their not anything totally groundbreaking. Which isn’t a bad thing at all. When your songs sound like the best of the 90s riot grrrl, shangri-las-y, fuzzy-punky jams, how can you complain? They put out a 7″ on Double Negative for their song “Splintered Bridges” earlier this year and it blew us away [we’ve got one of the 40 hand-painted covers, suck it nerds.] If you ask us, you guys can keep your Vivy Gals, we’ll take the Splinters. No word as to when we can expect any other releases, but hopefully sooner than later. Aquarrius thinks they should do a split with Brilliant Colors, we can’t say we disagree.

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0 responses to “THE SPLINTERS”

  1. 7inchatlanta says:

    I'll keep my Vivy Gals, but I do love this band a lot. I prefer their demos (they're probably still up on Myspace) over the cleaner-sounding 7".

  2. Forever Young says:

    Pshhhh, you know we like our Vivian girls. And, yeah, the demos rule.

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