We can’t remember if we’ve ever mentioned these guys on here before, but if you’ve ever been around us for an extended period of time we’ve probably told you about Liquor Store. It’s our buddy Sarim’s band up in New Jersey. We used to catch them on the reg back when we were in the New York groove, and they even hit Nashville over the summer with Mahonies, Wieners, and JTB [one of the best shows we saw this summer] at the Springwater. Who’s ready for some counting? That’s six guitars up there. SIX! Oh my god these dudes shred so hard. Nothing’s currently available for purchase, but just bookmark their myspace and listen to them on the daily. That’s what we do. Our baby-girl, PopJew [who’s crushing on Natty Child pretty hard] loves them, too. Not only does Liquor Store really kickass with their songs, but they’re the most entertaining funniest band we’ve ever seen. And we’ve seen funny bands. Plans for the boys are to maybe visit the city in January, we’ll keep you posted. Here’s a video of them playing their #1 Hit Single “Trash Sandwich” at Bamalama Fest.

Some people would describe Liquor Store’s live show as a religious experience. Let’s leave the religious experiences to Bruce Springsteen & The E Street Band, Ok? Liquor Store’s show is more like the absolute absence of a religious experience. Tears your fuckin’ heart out, girl. Yo-Ster pretty much sums them up here.

2 comments Comment

2 responses to “LIQUOR STORE”

  1. popjew says:

    dear nashville,

    No, seriously, when can I come party it up in Nashville?



  2. Forever Young says:

    dear popjew,

    we're not looking to put a ring on that finger anytime soon. BUT! you give us some notice if you're going to come down and we'll setup some killer shows. ON THE REAL! If not, we'll see you in January [check the nattychild myspace for dates]

    forever yours,

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