It’s hard for us to accept the fact that yesterday was the last time we’ll be able to party at the Vine Ridge House, but we couldn’t have asked for a better way to see it off. Again, a HUGE thank you to William for putting everything together, feeding everyone, boozing everyone, enlightening everyone, and showing everyone how to throw a house party. The following are all photographs that our own Bekah Cope took yesterday at the show. She wasn’t able to catch quite everybody, and we’ve still got a roll of film to develop [EDIT: GOT THE FILM! CHECK IT BABESS!!] but here are the pictures so far. ENJOY!
Is this picture not the best picture ever?
Thanks for the photos Bekah. You are the babiest babe. And again, William, thank you.
5th one from the bottom is your best shot, would have liked to have seen it without flash but still looks great.
cheers from the apple