Badass store. Badass lineup. Badass flyer (very
Boris Vallejo-y). It’s been a good long while since there have been any house shows at Local Honey, but Shea’s really bringing it back bigtime this Saturday. That and you know those babies will be dishing out cheap vintage steals all day. Everything from shoes to books to furniture to… is that a microscope in the flyer? You can read more about it over
here, but just take our word that you don’t want to miss out on this.
Local Honey Yard Sale Bash
:: The Tits
:::: Denney & The Jets
:::::: Heavy Cream
:::::::: Pree
:::::::::: Caitlin Rose
:::::::::::: The Kindergarten Circus
:::::::::::::: Countrymusic
:::::::::::::::: How Cozy
@ Local Honey (1712 Linden Ave)
FREE – All Ages – 11 AM (Bands start at 2PM)