Lately we wonder what it means when we feel like the best labels out there are primarily reissue labels – is most new music just garbage? Probs. Are we just excited to get our hands on copies of records that we’d otherwise probably never see in our lives? Probs that too. Whatever the reason behind it may be – we’re just gonna take things at face value and be stoked as things happen. And something that just happened was the release of the latest Sing Sing Records batch. This time we’ve got four new singles on the table from Razar, The Blitz Boys, Adrenalin, and The Bats [not kiwi Bats – Connecticut’s Bats] Razar’s Stamp Out Disco single is a straight shot of ’70s Aussie powerpunk – and pretty fucking gnarly for a band of four under-18ers. You can check it out at the bottom of the post. Detroit’s Adrenalin were around in the mid-70s and kept things garage and hardnosed with their Cumz N Goes single originally released by Fiddler’s Music Company in 1977. And for a bit of powerpop we get this perfectly crafted single from New Haven’s Bats. A short – succinct – catchy single that bridges the divide from New Wave and tite pop. You can preview tracks from all these releases right over here at the Sing Sing site and buy them here. Looks like we can expect some even gnarlier releases from the guys in the coming months: reissues of the Sleaze LP [TV Smith’s record pre-Adverts] and The McElroy Brothers Can’t You See Me Smilin’ LP. YOU’RE BACON! OINK OINK OINK!
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