One of our favorite things about Winter is that Spring is coming next. One of our favorite things about Spring is going to Austin for SXSW. One of our favorite things about going to SXSW is that we get to hit Denton on the way. One of our favorite things about hitting Denton is getting to be around dudes like Video and Bad Sports and Wiccans and Fungi babies and blah blah blah. Video rules. TV’s Daniel [Bad Sports, Wax Museums] and Greg [Bad Sports] are both in Video alongside Harpal and Payton. Those boys just have that midas touch apparently. They play the fast catchy riffage that you just looooove to listen to. They’ve yet to release anything, but our money’s on a release in the near future with Play Pinball Records. Since we mentioned Bad Sports and Denton and Austin, let’s just go ahead and tell you that the new Bad Sports LP [Douchemaster] is totally boss and there’s a compilation coming out soon featuring lots of Austin/Denton in the near future [There’s also a comp coming out on Play Pinball featuring only Denton bands, the two mp3zies down there will be on it] Get  ’em!!

Video – Bookstore [mp3]
Video – Teenage Death [mp3]

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