Shannon & The Clams latest record, Sleep Talk, is easily one of our favorites to come out this year. If you caught them at The End a few weeks back with Hunx, then you know that it’s just as good live – if not even better. They debuted a video today for the titletrack off the album and it’s pretty sick. It’s got floating instruments and oceanside beds and glitter vomit [suck it, kesha] and it was directed by Miss Hannah Lew of Grass Widow fame. We’ll mostly take any reason we can find to make mention of how much we like these guys. 1-2-3-4-Go! Records, who put Sleep Talk out, are also putting out King Lollipop’s debut LP a little later this summer. As soon as we get a date, we’ll let you know about it because we’ve heard it and it kills. And if you haven’t all ready, pick up one of the year’s best right here.
Shannon and the Clams – “Sleep Talk” from The Bay Bridged on Vimeo.
Shannon and The Clams – Sleep Talk [mp3]
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