A couple weeks ago we saw Turbo Fruits pop up on the old Daytrotter and thought to ourselves, “Wait a minute, weren’t PUJOL on that tour with them? Yes. Didn’t Pujol say they did a Daytrotter sesh too? Yes. Wonder when it’ll be out…” And now it’s here! The bad boys rolled through Texas towards the end of 2010 and stopped by to record a couple numbers [You know, all the classic faves — Black Rabbit, Butterflyknife, Keeper of Atlantis, and Too Safe] As you’ve come to probably expect, it sounds sick. We got word from Mr. Daniel Pujol the other day that the new record, TCB247, is close to being done and that we should be able to talk about it a little more in depth very soon. Until then, head on over here and grab some free jams. Check out one of them below too.
PUJOL -Too Safe (Daytrotter) [mp3]
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