A truly great record is one of the best gifts you could give this world. It’s honesty and hopefulness unconstrained. No one can touch it. We live in a time where freak viruses cause transatlantic terror and grey-haired poobahs spend their days trying to tell us what’s right and wrong. It’s enough to make you wanna hideout in your fortress of solitude, just you and your solid dudes.
Jack Name is a beacon of light in this heavy fog. He’s got a new record coming out called Weird Moons, and it is truly great. Truly, truly great. The first single, “Running After Ganymede,” was released a few days ago. Unwavering synth and drums provide the vehicle, Jack is the driver. Listen below for a taste. The record isn’t out til January 20th [courtesy of Castle Face], but make sure to catch Jack when he opens for Thee Oh Sees at Exit/In on November 15.