Attention dawgs and dawgettes, there’s a band rolling though town this Friday we forgot to mention in the Rundown but is ~essential~ to your spiritual development. Ivy is one of the younger groups associated with New York’s recent punk rock renaissance (Hank Wood, Crazy Spirit, etc), peddling a kind of schizophrenic rock and roll combined with a bludgeoning pogo beat you can’t help but nod your entire body to. They’re playing this Friday at the Exponent Manor in the Nations with local (post)punk pinups Jawws and Western Medication, lovingly gracing our city with a show as a part of an east cost tour in support of their brand new self-titled 12″ debut. Scoop it here
Show info and the rest of the tour below:
8/15 Nashville, TN @ Exponent Manor w/ Jawws, Western Medication, Jungle Fever
8/16 New Orleans, LA @ abandoned building (generator show) w/ Mystic Inane, TV-MA, Bukkake Moms
8/17 Gainesville, FL @ A SPACE w/ Rauh, Soda
8/18 Atlanta, GA @ Sampson St Lofts w/ TBA
8/19 Charlotte, NC @ The Milestone w/ Meat Group, Yarbs
8/20 Raleigh, NC @ Nice Price w/ Bandages, Gay Kiss
8/21 Richmond, VA @ Strange Matter w/ Quitter, Christi, Animal Planet
8/22 Baltimore, MD @ Lucky Day w/ Sick Thoughts, Dream Boyz
8/23 Pittsburgh, PA @ Skull Fest river day show w/ TBA