
Daniel Pujol isn’t only our main man, our mushy gushy, sexy scary nightmare in shining amour. He’s also once of this city’s most vital artists, and he’s got a new album coming out. The record’s called KLUDGE, and though it doesn’t hit the streets until May 20, we’re throwing a little shindig to celebrate its release on the weekend before.

Welcome to PUJOL SUCKS III: MOJO RISING. The man of the hour will be there in all his holy glow, and don’t you know he’s bring his friends with him. Aside from it already being only a $5 show, there will also be plenty of swag at the cheapest prices you’ll find. We’re talking limited fish tank colored vinyl via Saddle Creek for $10, cassettes via Burger Records for $5, even special edition posters and shirts for only $10 each. Peep the full lineup below, stream the single from the record here, and get hype NOW. This will be a righteous occasion.

:: PUJOL [KLUDGE release show]
:::: Natural Child
:::::: Denny & the Jets
:::::::: Fox Fun
@ the East Room
$5 – 18+ – 9PM

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